Thursday, April 28, 2011


Hi kutties today we will learn the second lesson from the New Testament. Read and share it to your friends.

One day the king's messengr came to the town where Mary and Joseph were living. The messenger had some importent news from the king. Everyone listened very carefully. He said, "The king wants count all the people. Everyone must go back to the town where their parents and grant parents lived. Then you will all be counted.

So when they heard the messenger, they knew that they would have to go to Bethlehem, where their grant parents lived.

It was very difficult for Joseph to travel sucha a long way with a pregnant lady. But they had to obay the king's order. So they packed up things and started out to Bethlehem in Judea. Since they were poor, they did not ride on a camel or horse but on a donkey.

After some days they reached Bethlehem. Thousands of people were stringing  out to the place from all over the country. Evryone was waiting to be counted. Bethlehem was over crowded.

All houses and inns were full. Mary was very tired and wanted to rest somewhere. Joseph went about knocking door to door looking for a place to stay at night. But all said sorry. Joseph said to one innkeeper, "My wife is very tired, we want to stay for the night." He said, "I am sorry I haven't any room, but there is some space in my stable. The animals that belong to other travelers are there you amy sleep there ifyou like". Joseph and Mary found a corner away from the animals and lay down in the straw.

That night Jesus was born. He was God's Son. But He was not born in a palace or a good house. He was born in a stable with animals nearby!.

Marry wrapped Baby Jesus in the swadding clothes. But she had not a cradle for him. So Joseph said. Let us use one of the animal's feeding boxes. The feeding box was called a Manger. Joseph put some clean straw in to the manger and then Mary gently put Baby Jesus down to sleep.

Mary and Joseph looked at Baby Jesus and realized that it was a divine child. They were so happy and they knew that God had sent His Son as He had promised.

Your's beloved Uncle.
Rev.Gilbert Asirvatham. 

Put your comments. My email jesusblessing65@yahoo.in

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